Can you set sort field and sort order via the query? By default it sorts descending by timestamp and descending sort is a ridiculous default. Viewing the ES query I see it does:
“sort”: [
“timestamp”: {
“order”: “desc”
I want to change order to “asc”. I have tried something like this:
“SORT timestamp ASC” at the end of my query, but it does nothing.
Yeah, I knew I could sort by timestamp with the icon. I was hoping I could do it via the query so I wouldn’t have to always go to the mouse and hit the icon. Is there a way to change the default sort then? Descending by timestamp seems silly, why would someone want to see log entries in reverse order? I need to see logs in the order they occured.
currently no way available to change that behaviour in Graylog. You would need to create a feature request in Graylog Github repository for that feature.