Removing completely isolated cells from Python array?

I’m trying to reduce noise in a binary python array by removing all completely isolated single cells, i.e. setting “1” value cells to 0 if they are completely surrounded by other "0"s. I have been able to get a working solution by removing blobs with sizes equal to 1 using a loop, but this seems like a very inefficient solution for large Python arrays:

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt    

# Generate sample data
square = np.zeros((32, 32))
square[10:-10, 10:-10] = 1
x, y = (32*np.random.random((2, 20))).astype(
square[x, y] = 1

# Plot original data with many isolated single cells
plt.imshow(square,, interpolation='nearest')

# Assign unique labels
id_regions, number_of_ids = ndimage.label(square, structure=np.ones((3,3)))

# Set blobs of size 1 to 0
for i in xrange(number_of_ids + 1):
    if id_regions[id_regions==i].size == 1:
        square[id_regions==i] = 0

# Plot desired output, with all isolated single cells removed
plt.imshow(square,, interpolation='nearest')

In this case, eroding and dilating my array won’t work as it will also remove features with a width of 1. I feel the solution lies somewhere within the scipy.ndimage package, but so far I haven’t been able to crack it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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