Re-indexing data for graylog & elasticsearch upgrade

Hello There

1. Describe your incident:
We are receiving below error while upgradding ES from 6.8 to 7.16

The index [graylog_1082/WFeFroGmSUKbClpNJiuJdw] was created with version [5.6.5] but the minimum compatible version is [6.0.0-beta1]. It should be re-indexed in Elasticsearch 6.x before upgrading to 7.16.1.

2. Describe your environment:

  • OS Information:
    Debian linux (docker container)

  • Package Version:
    Graylog 4.2.5
    ES : 7.16.1
    Mongo : 4.4.12

  • Service logs, configurations, and environment variables:
    The index [graylog_1082/WFeFroGmSUKbClpNJiuJdw] was created with version [5.6.5] but the minimum compatible version is [6.0.0-beta1]. It should be re-indexed in Elasticsearch 6.x before upgrading to 7.16.1.

3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?
remove the old index and start the ES

4. How can the community help?
After reasearch I understood data should be indexed with one higher before upgrading, so I want to know below things

  1. is there any scrip or API call we can use to re-index listed old index to new version

  2. also what is the impact if we remove old index will it break previous configuration.

Please help to understand above to two query so that we can start working on solution.


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Not that I know of, sorry.

Navigate to System/Node Click on API browser, you should see this.

Here are a couple suggestions on this topic

1.Please take a look here about elasticsearch compatible versions.

2.Iā€™m not sure if you have seen this Graylog How to Upgrade Elasticsearch

3.This also helped, not sure if you seen this,

When you see this error/warning

What I did was the following to avoid those errors/warnings.

  • Insure elasticsearch is at that latest version of 5.x.x.

  • Upgrade to elasticsearch 6.0 and reindex (i.e. You can manually rotate you indices from Graylog Web UI)

  • Once completed/finished, upgrade elasticsearch to the latest version of 6.8.x .

  • After that is completed, Upgrade Elasticsearch to 7.0. Once the upgrade is completed, rotate the indices as stated from above.

  • Should be good if this was the path you followed.

Hope that helps


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