Problem with date extractor converter


Looking at pipelines on how to convert Date/time and since were deal with epoch time have you seen these links? You can just use a pipeline to convert the date/time and remove the extractor I believe or unless you have to use an extractor.

1.Fortigate changed eventtime from seconds to nanoseconds - #2 by shoothub

Or perhaps this?

2.Graylog Knowledge Base - Pipeline Rule Samples

Is it possible to give a more accurate example of the raw message received and insure personal info is either replaced or removed?

Here is an example of mine.

rule "Epoch Convert"
  let ts_millis = to_long($message.eventtime) / 1000;
  let new_date = parse_unix_milliseconds(ts_millis);
  set_field("epoch_timestamp", new_date);
  //set_field("timestamp", new_date);
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