(Philipp Ruland)
March 4, 2017, 9:51am
Hey @ryz.namathp ,
your question was already asked in
First of all, this new forum looks great! Good job!
I have long waited to see the renewed Alerts system in Graylog 2.2.0. I have done an upgrade to my test environment and I have been playing with the new alerts.
So my concern is that alert notifications still seem to be bound to streams? I wish they would be bound to alert conditions, so that would allow custom and specific email messages based on the alert condition.
For example (not a real-life scenario): There is a stream called S…
So, this will be the answer to your question:
The problem you are displaying is already known and triaged (as seen in the GitHub issue), it will probably be addressed sometime in the future (it is not assigned to a milestone yet).
Greetings - Phil