First time setting up graylog and having some issues. I’m not able to see anything when i click on show received messages or do a search. I tried several options (all messages, past and future dates). I see in the upper corner, the in changes between 40 -100 but out is 0.
with the limited information from the first post - this was just my guess what is the reason …
When you send in a test message and that is received, visible for searching THAN it is more likely that your messages are lost because of the malformed date …
Understood and thank you for that. It looks like the date format is incorrect. Given that i can’t change the code of the other server, is there other option like creating extractor or any customization i can do on the graylog/elasticsearch side?
I would go with a RAW Input to receive the input from that server. RAW is like a netcat listening and taking everything. The downside is you need to parse everything out manually. But the upside is - you receive all messages.
Try to change Input from Syslog TCP/UDP to Syslog Raw. After that use extractor or pipeline rules to extract fields. Please post example example full_message.
Forgot to mentioned, after seeing the error, i changed it to Raw/Plaintext UDP, it’s making it. Now I need to figure out how to create extractor/pipeline rules to extract the fields. If you have some example that is similar to the output I provided, it will be great. Thank you so much.
For basic extractor, you can use following GROK: <%{NONNEGINT:facility}>%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}%{SPACE}%{IPORHOST:hostname}%{SPACE}%{SYSLOGPROG:program}%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:message}
After that use Key-value extractor (or pipeline rule function key_value) to extract key-value fields from message.
FYI: Clavister firewall doesn’t follow Syslog RFC 5424, because it doesn’t contain version, so graylog couldn’t parse it: <134>2020-02-28T11:45:07.000-4:100
Correct message would be: <134>1 2020-02-28T11:45:07.000-4:00