Message Processors Configuration prevents messages from being saved

Hi !
I have a pipeline ready and connected to a stream, but no messages came in the pipeline apparently because of my Message Processors Configuration.

Here is what i tried to do :

But when using the latter configuration, i have no more messages coming in on any of my streams.

The node indicator in “/system/nodes” is showing messages being processed, but these are nowhere to be found in the search tab or on streams…

Why does the Message Processors Configuration that i would need to use pipelines prevents messages from all streams to be saved ?

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Hello and Welcome,

I’m a little confused, could you explain in greater detail what your trying to accomplish.

How is your pipeline configured?

“Update Message Processors Configuration” looks good.

I’m sorry, not sure what you mean. Are you trying to prevent message going into a stream? or trying to save a mesages in a stream?

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