Using latest Graylog version (4.0.7+c3e766c, codename Noir) with the following configuration:
Linux box 1, Linux box 2, Linux box 3
All three boxes have got elasticsearch running. Elasticsearch is clustered
All three boxes have got mongodb running with replicaset
Graylog is running on all 3 boxes, with box1 being the master
What happens is that everything is fine and dandy and every so often it goes from 3 nodes to 2 nodes and whinges about not having a master node. then a minute later, everything is cool again.
Then a while later it happens again and rectifies itself again.
Hey there. Reading over this, it makes me think that there is some sort of issue between the master node and MongoDB. Have you looked at the MongoDB logs, or even the Graylog logs to see if that’s the case?
Hmmmm, yeah. Digging doesn’t seem to be giving me a whole lot of results that would fix this when it comes to MongoDB. Could you try running MongoDB 4.2 and see if that fixes it if you’re not already?