Hello Community /Developers,
We are using HTTP JSONPath as Data Adapter Type in lookup tables to accomplish multi value lookup. But, unfortunately Lookup is not working. Please help us to resolve the issue.
We created a rest API using python flask and accessing the URL like below:
"ioc_details": {
"date": "2018-09-26",
"feed_name": "abuse.ch-SSL-IP-Blacklist",
"feed_overlap_count": "1",
"feed_url": "https://sslbl.abuse.ch/blacklist/sslipblacklist.csv",
"ioc": "",
"ioc_type": "ADDR"
Lookup Table Configuration:
jsonlookup (HTTP JSONPath)
Description jsonlookup
Lookup URL
Single value JSONPath $.ioc_details
Multi value JSONPath $.ioc_details
HTTP User-Agent Graylog Lookup - https://www.graylog.org/
HTTP Headers Name Value
Pipeline Rule:
rule "json_ti_lookup"
when has_field("src")
// Get the user login from the message
let source = to_string($message.src);
// Lookup the multi value in the jsonlookup lookup table
let tiData = lookup("jsonlookup", source);
set_field("json_feed_overlap_count", tiData["feed_overlap_count"]);
set_field("json_feed_name", tiData["feed_name"]);