Local dir volume mappings

Hey all,

Graylog has been running fine with docker volumes so far, but I’d rather have local dirs mapped.

I changed the compose file as follows:

      - ./config:/usr/share/graylog/data/config
      - ./journal:/usr/share/graylog/data/journal
      - ./data:/var/opt/graylog/data

The paths are relative and they exist. I get the following errors:

graylog_1        | chown: changing ownership of '/usr/share/graylog/data/journal': Operation not permitted
graylog_1        | chown: changing ownership of '/usr/share/graylog/data/config': Operation not permitted

I’m not sure what it wants me to do. I tried changing to 777 just to see what would happen but it just dies with the same errors.

Any ideas please?


Graylog 3.0 runs as an unprivileged user, even in Docker. Try running it with the --user graylog option to see if it fixes the problem. Have to do this for Redis containers at work (with --user redis) to get mapped volumes to work right.

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Thanks, I’ll try that this weekend :stuck_out_tongue:

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