I am trying to configure Graylog to auth to either AD or LDAP, don’t even care which at this point, and it’s failing. I’ve turned on trace logging, and see this in my error logs:
2019-10-02T17:38:29.089-05:00 TRACE [LdapConnector] Connecting to LDAP server null:-1, binding with user <user>@<domain.ltd>
I dumped my Mongdo collection and the ldap_uri value is populated fine:
graylogrs0:PRIMARY> db.ldap_settings.find()
{ “_id” : ObjectId(“5d95254a4f44a10ba1af15ed”), “use_start_tls” : false, “system_password” : “”, “principal_search_pattern” : “(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName={0}))”, “username_attribute” : “displayName”, “system_password_salt” : “”, “system_username” : “@<domain.ltd>”, “trust_all_certificates” : true, “group_search_base” : null, “default_group” : “5d951d854f44a1e4b0b97699”, “group_search_pattern” : null, “active_directory” : true, “enabled” : true, “group_id_attribute” : null, “search_base” : “ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=ltd”, “group_role_mapping_list” : , “ldap_uri” : “ldap://ldap.mydomain.com:389/” }
Any ideas where to try next?