I have freeipa as ldap and add graylog to ldap.
But users has no permission. How to gave permission to users via ldap.
what i mean is to gave a user permission for some stream or dashboard,… should give the permission from admin under system/authen… or there are some option to do it from freeipa ldap.
@Sharzad I am not sure about your Graylog version but I would like to recommend the below documentation link which will help you with your external authentication.
Hope this will helps you.
i have graylog 3.3.2. and ldap is working i don’t need help for add graylog to ldap or single sign.
My issue is when user login they do not have any permission. just read permission.
What i ask is it possible to add permission from ldap or i need to add permission in gralog authentication?
Permissions are granted by roles in Graylog. If you have LDAP Settings -> Group Mapping configured, then within ‘LDAP Group Mapping’ (button in right upper corner) you can grant one role to each LDAP group sitting under configured ‘Group Search Base DN’.
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