Hi guys:
Using JSON log format in Apache and sending access logs to Graylog via FileBeats. In httpd.conf file:
LogFormat “{ “time”:”%{%Y-%m-%d}tT%{%T}t.%{msec_frac}tZ", “process”:"%D", “filename”:"%f", “src_ip”:"%a", “webserver”:"%V", “webserver_port”:"%p", “request”:"%U", “query”:"%q", “method”:"%m", “status”:"%>s", “userAgent”:"%{User-agent}i", “referer”:"%{Referer}i", “bytes_sent”:"%B", “response_time”:"%T"}, " combined
In Graylog’s Beats input a “simple” JSON extarctor does the trick and all good.
The little problem I’m seeing is that fields such as BYTES, or RESPONSE TIME are strored as string and therefore stats or graphs don’t apply.
Is there any way to “reformat/convert” fields with this setup? Could a pipeline be defined after the message gets processed by the extractor?
Thanks a lot