Hi All,
we have this errors in Indexer failures:
MapperParsingException[failed to parse [stime]]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Invalid format: "03/Mar/2017:16:22:57 +0100" is malformed at "/Mar/2017:16:22:57 +0100"];
MapperParsingException[failed to parse [stime]]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Invalid format: "03/Mar/2017:16:22:56 +0100" is malformed at "/Mar/2017:16:22:56 +0100"];
MapperParsingException[failed to parse [stime]]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Invalid format: "Mar 3 16:22:56"];
MapperParsingException[failed to parse [stime]]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Invalid format: "Mar 3 16:22:57"];
Is it possible to find source of these messages?
could you give me some advice for this error?