then Graylog-Inputs(, I get some data as below
Throughput / Metrics
1 minute average rate: 0 msg/s
Network IO: 0B 0B (total: 23.4KB 0B )
Empty messages discarded: 0
and Graylog-Stream[All messages] ( some data as below
All messages index set Default index set Default
Stream containing all messages
1 messages/second. The default stream contains all messages.
but Graylog-search( says Nothing found.
How can I get logs? Please help me.
I have graylog 2.4 and I also setup same way with fluentd, I can get logs in Graylog-search.
Sherlock, it is time to check the complete way - if you ingest a message via netcat to Graylog does that show up?
Yes, add one moving part and check again - if no investigate …
Should your message be in the future, all message stream will not show that - as it search from now backwards and not showing all messages you have ingested no matter what time … maybe you should check that.
I use VirtualBox.
I retry to install graylog-3.0.0-12.ova, and soon send the command
echo -n ‘{ “version”: “1.1”, “host”: “”, “short_message”: “A short message”, “level”: 5, “_some_info”: “foo” }’ | nc -w9 -u 12202
then I can get logs!
I set NAT network and host-only-adapter in VirtualBox, but it’s bad for get logs.
I set nothing in VirtualBox, then I can get logs.
I apologize for the trouble. I’m sorry and thank you.