I begin on graylog and I would like to create a Stream to filter projects with container_name
I alrealdy create Stream rule but the result is not complete or not
I try to create custom field suggest by Jochen is this topic : How to create Stream Rule for containers
but I can’t do it.
If you have a time to explain me and try a true case…
thx in advance.
Hi Jochen
I want to have a Stream by project and in this stream I want only logs about containers concerned.
Today I just create the stream rules like in previous topic.
I don’t understand the custom fields
When I try to search in all messages stream with container_name:XXXX it’s ok but if I create a new stream with rule container_name contain XXXX it’s not ok (no logs)
maybe it did not work, because the field does not contain parrainage_* but would contain parrainage and you defined that both must match - rethink what you have configured.