from a QA Graylog Cluster I want to export a number of Collector Sidecar Configurations (what you define in System -> Collctors -> Manage Configurations) to file and import it again on another Graylog cluster.
This is possible with via “content Packs” with streams, dashboards, inputs and so on.
But how can I export and import those Collector Sidecar Configurations. Even in the API- browser I couldn’t find it, that means what I found (/plugins/org.graylog.plugins.collector/collectors/collectors) did not work. The output is empty, but there are about 15 configurations defined.
You’ll have to export the respective collections from Graylog’s MongoDB database (e. g. using mongodump) and import them in the MongoDB database of the new environment.
thank a lot. I could export the collection collectors with mongodump --host alt1:27017 -d graylog -c collectors -o /home/user1/
and restore with: mongorestore -u graylog -p pwd --host neu1:27017 -d graylog -c collectors /home/user1/graylog/collectors.bson
I can find the configurations in the new cluster but they are labeled as “inactive”. How can they be activated?
now the collector configuration is active. I simply had to modify the collector_sidecar.yml file on the client side. The file should point to the new cluster IP.
Hi Dietmar,
you copied the wrong collection. The sidecar configurations are stored in collector_configurations. The running sidecars are hold in collectors.