Graylog 3.0 Sidecar

Hello All,

I’m testing Graylog 3.0 in my environment, everything seems to work so far, no problems yet. I decided to use Graylog sidecar for the first time and it was easy to configure on the remote client. I was able to see my remote host appear as shown below:

Under “Manage Configuration” worked good also, no problem:

My question is about “Sidecars Overview” its blank. Not sure what I did wrong. I am receiving message from my remote client. I was able to configure NXLog from Graylogs GUI without any problems.

Following is what I see. Any help would be appreciated…

Sidecars Overview:

Collector Configuration:

Collector Administrator page is also blank:

Graylog-Server as follow;
CentOS7 Virtual machine on Windows Hyper-V
Graylog 3.0.0-rc.1+f41986c

Remote machine sending log to Graylog server as follow;
CentOS7 Virtual machine on Windows Hyper-V
NXLog installed

Install the following;
rpm -i

graylog-collector-sidecar -service install

two notes on that:

  • you need to use sidcar later than your selected version (0.1.7 minimal)
  • why did you use the legacy version with 3.0? This will be abonned and removed in the near future. Go with the new!

Thanks for the reply, Installing the New,and thank you for the tip on the version.

Is there a way to disable the legacy system? I do not want old Collector Sidecars to register themselves again, but I cannot seem to find anything in the settings to turn off the legacy sidecar connections.

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