Graylog2 https Error on Chrome

Hello All,
Question about self-signed Certs for Graylog using HTTPS.
I’m using CentOS 7 Virtual machine, all in one Graylog Server,
My installed Certificates work from the instruction use from here:
Chrome states “Not Secure” on the URL
I opened Developer Tools on Chrome and noticed the following;

The errors
“There are issues with the site’s certificate chain (net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID)”
“The certificate for this site does not contain a Subject Alternative Name extension containing a domain name or IP address”
Tried to fix this issue by creating a file named openssl-graylog.cnf and using it when making my certificates.
Instruction used; , No joy
I also tried to modify my /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf file as shown below;
[ v3_ca ]
subjectAltName= @alt_names

IP.1 = IPaddress

I did some research and found most, if not all browsers do not like Self-Signed Certificates and to remove these errors properly I need SSL certificate provider (certificate authority).
Chrome Secure resources does state “All resources on this page are served securely.”
I was wondering if there is something else I could do to fix Certificate error & Subject Alternative Name error.

No, you have to import your self-signed certificate(s) or the CA you’ve signed them with into the certificate store of your browser.

See for an example.

you might want to use the following script that helps you with creating the self signed certificates:

and gives you the ability to easily adopt the needed command to your own needs.


@ jochen
Thank for your response, I did try to insert a certificate into Chrome, I still received the same error. I was not sure which certificate I should insert so, I download it from Chrome > Developer Tools > View certificate. This opens Certificate window > then clicked on tab called “Details” selected “all” , Click "Copy to File"then executed Still errors out.

Thank for the tip on the Script, Unfortunately I’m still running into the same issue, Here is a couple of screen shots.
This was executing script “”

The results were the same as shown below,

Not sure what I’m doing wrong. Any advice would be appreciated.
NOTE: Also tried with adding Cert to Chrome


its simple your hostname (you use in chrome) is and your certificate is only created for test-graylog.

correct that and it should work

Fixed: :slight_smile:
Thanks again jan

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