Hi! I will very appreciate anyhelp. This is the deal…
I have this graylog testing machine. Trying to login to web UI after start elasticsearch & graylog-server services, but I’m getting this error.
I already checked /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml and /etc/graylog/server/server.conf, according to this link: http://docs.graylog.org/en/2.3/pages/configuration/web_interface.html
Tested connectivity with curl (it works). Checked systemd config file, file permissions, process owner, etc… but can’t fix this…
Tried setting rest_listen_api, rest_transport_api, web_listen_uri & web_transport_uri to http ://localhost:PORT, http ://, http :// & http ://PUBLIC_IP:PORT (with and without /api/ for each case) but still doesn’t work.
Tested each one of these with curl. The only worked is http://PUBLIC_IP:PORT
Checked firewall-cmd and have access rules for all traffic in ports 9000 and 9200.
Sorry for my english, is terribble.
I’ll very appreciate any help.