Graylog Storage related

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I have installed graylog 5.0 and opensearch 2.9. Currently we have 5k eps and index size for daily 180 GB. currently we have out off storage. I have done lot of research related to store the data and found that opensearch has storage compression feature with zstd with dictionary. i am looking for plugin but no luck. please help me for the same.

2. Describe your environment:

  • OS Information: CentOS 7.7

  • Package Version: 5.0

  • Service logs, configurations, and environment variables:

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As far as I know this would need to be set via the index template in OpenSearch which isn’t supported with graylog.

Thanks for your reply.

What is the best option available to store 1 year data with compression?

Also I have observed ArcSight or Other paid solution provide the 10:1 compression level so how to achieve similar compression in Graylog.


The archive feature supports compression, but it is a paid/licensed feature only.

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