Environment : Windows 10 and Windows 2022
Installed graylog in silent mode:
$exePath = “\computername\share\graylog_sidecar_installer_1.4.0-1.exe”
$serverUrl = “http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9000/api/”
$serverApiToken = “ABC”
Check if the file exists
if (Test-Path $exePath) {
# Define the arguments for the installer
$installerArgs = “/S”, “-server_url”, $serverUrl, “-server_api_token”, $serverApiToken
# Perform a silent installation with parameters
Start-Process -FilePath $exePath -ArgumentList $installerArgs -Wait
} else {
Write-Host “Installer file not found: $exePath”
But graylog service won’t start.
If Install in normal mode everything works fine.
If you anyone have experience to install graylog client in silent mode please help to share the script.
Thank you in advance