Graylog Reader User


I created a Reader User. But I just want to let the user to see some allowed Dashboards for him.

Currently, The user can see Streams, Alerts, Dashboards and Systems buttons. And also the count of both in and out messages.

I dont want to let him to see this stats. He can only see Dashboard button on graylog page. Is it possible? And if yes, how?


anyone? :frowning:


No, that’s currently not possible.

But, while you can’t limit the scope of what he sees, you could set the specific Dashboard you’ve configured as the user’s default page he sees when he logs in.

Thanks for the information.

I already set a default dashboard for the user. But in my case, he can still go to System menu and can see lots of information about my setup. Such as how many nodes i have or how many inputs i have etc…

Now, I am trying to change some permission values for the reader user;

“name” : “Reader”,
“permissions” : [
“description” : “Grants basic permissions for every Graylog user (built-in)”,
“read_only” : true,
“name_lower” : “reader”

And if I can do it somehow I will let you know.


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