Graylog-Project Version


Current graylog release is 3.0.1. I want to build it from source using gralog-cli tool.

However,if I use the graylog-cli tool with the manifests option set to use the version 3.0 manifest and successfully build, I get a jar file build to 3.0.2-snapshot.jar.

graylog-cli clone

 jake@jake-siem-dev:~/graylog-3.0.1$ ~/bin/graylog-project bootstrap -D -m manifests/3.0.json
    git clone graylog-project
      Cloning into 'graylog-project'...
    git checkout master
      Already on 'master'
      Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Active configuration:
(config.Config) {
 RepositoryRoot: (string) (len=24) "../graylog-project-repos",
 SelectedModules: (string) "",
 Checkout: (config.Checkout) {
  UpdateRepos: (bool) false,
  ShallowClone: (bool) false,
  ManifestFiles: ([]string) (len=1 cap=1) {
   (string) (len=18) "manifests/3.0.json"
  Force: (bool) false,
  ModuleOverride: ([]string) {
 ApplyManifest: (config.ApplyManifest) {
  Execute: (bool) false,
  Force: (bool) false
 Verbose: (bool) false,
 NoUpdateCheck: (bool) false,
 ForceHttpsRepos: (bool) true

Using manifests: [manifests/3.0.json]
Reading manifest file: /home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project/manifests/3.0.json
Cloning into /home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project-repos/graylog2-server
    git clone /home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project-repos/graylog2-server
      Cloning into '/home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project-repos/graylog2-server'...
Checkout revision: 3.0
    git branch 3.0 origin/3.0
      Branch '3.0' set up to track remote branch '3.0' from 'origin'.
    git checkout 3.0
      Switched to branch '3.0'
      Your branch is up to date with 'origin/3.0'.
Cloning into /home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-collector
    git clone /home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-collector
      Cloning into '/home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-collector'...
Checkout revision: 3.0
    git branch 3.0 origin/3.0
      Branch '3.0' set up to track remote branch '3.0' from 'origin'.
    git checkout 3.0
      Switched to branch '3.0'
      Your branch is up to date with 'origin/3.0'.
Cloning into /home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-aws
    git clone /home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-aws
      Cloning into '/home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-aws'...
Checkout revision: 3.0
    git branch 3.0 origin/3.0
      Branch '3.0' set up to track remote branch '3.0' from 'origin'.
    git checkout 3.0
      Switched to branch '3.0'
      Your branch is up to date with 'origin/3.0'.
Cloning into /home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-threatintel
    git clone /home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-threatintel
      Cloning into '/home/jake/graylog-3.0.1/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-threatintel'...
Checkout revision: 3.0
    git branch 3.0 origin/3.0
      Branch '3.0' set up to track remote branch '3.0' from 'origin'.
    git checkout 3.0
      Switched to branch '3.0'
      Your branch is up to date with 'origin/3.0'.
Generating pom.xml file from template pom.xml.tmpl
Generating runner/pom.xml file from template runner/pom.xml.tmpl
Generating src/main/assembly/server-tarball.xml file from template src/main/assembly/server-tarball.xml.tmpl
Writing manifest state to .graylog-project-manifest-state
Active configuration:
(config.Config) {
 RepositoryRoot: (string) (len=24) "../graylog-project-repos",
 SelectedModules: (string) "",
 Checkout: (config.Checkout) {
  UpdateRepos: (bool) false,
  ShallowClone: (bool) false,
  ManifestFiles: ([]string) <nil>,
  Force: (bool) false,
  ModuleOverride: ([]string) {
 ApplyManifest: (config.ApplyManifest) {
  Execute: (bool) false,
  Force: (bool) false
 Verbose: (bool) false,
 NoUpdateCheck: (bool) false,
 ForceHttpsRepos: (bool) true

Active configuration:
(config.Config) {
 RepositoryRoot: (string) (len=24) "../graylog-project-repos",
 SelectedModules: (string) "",
 Checkout: (config.Checkout) {
  UpdateRepos: (bool) false,
  ShallowClone: (bool) false,
  ManifestFiles: ([]string) <nil>,
  Force: (bool) false,
  ModuleOverride: ([]string) {
 ApplyManifest: (config.ApplyManifest) {
  Execute: (bool) false,
  Force: (bool) false
 Verbose: (bool) false,
 NoUpdateCheck: (bool) false,
 ForceHttpsRepos: (bool) true

Compilation output

Is this correct?

Kind Regards


This is the intended behavior. The 3.0 manifest is building the 3.0 branch, which is tracking the currently developed version of 3.0 (as 3.0.2 would be the next version, it is 3.0.2-SNAPSHOT at the moment).

If you want to build 3.0.1 using graylog-project, copy the 3.0.json to e.g. release-3.0.1.json and change all occurences of "revision": "3.0" to "revision": "3.0.1".

Hope that helps!


In essence, i do the following.

  1. fork the graylog-project repo as I wont be able to commit.
  2. add new manifest with versioning you described.
  3. run graylog-project command with specify my modified graylog-project repo.
  4. Compile etc

Would it not be easier if someone put in the manifest directory a releases directory with them in?

I have put it on the github issues.



1 Like

Hi Jake,

can you help to show details on how to get branch 3.0.1 with graylog-project? it seems i have problem with it.

graylog-project bootstrap -m /home/graylog/3.0.1.json
    git clone graylog-project
      正克隆到 'graylog-project'...
    git checkout master
      已经位于 'master'
Cloning into /home/graylog/graylog-project-repos/graylog2-server
    git clone /home/graylog/graylog-project-repos/graylog2-server
      正克隆到 '/home/graylog/graylog-project-repos/graylog2-server'...
Checkout revision: 3.0.1
    git branch 3.0.1 origin/3.0.1
    git checkout 3.0.1
      Note: checking out '3.0.1'.
      You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
      changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
      state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
      If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
      do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
        git checkout -b new_branch_name
      HEAD 目前位于 de74b68... [graylog2-server] prepare release 3.0.1
Cloning into /home/graylog/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-collector
    git clone /home/graylog/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-collector
      正克隆到 '/home/graylog/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-collector'...
Checkout revision: 3.0.1
    git branch 3.0.1 origin/3.0.1
    git checkout 3.0.1
      Note: checking out '3.0.1'.
      You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
      changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
      state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
      If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
      do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
        git checkout -b new_branch_name
      HEAD 目前位于 c326fb0... [graylog-plugin-collector] prepare release 3.0.1
Cloning into /home/graylog/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-aws
    git clone /home/graylog/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-aws
      正克隆到 '/home/graylog/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-aws'...
Checkout revision: 3.0.1
    git branch 3.0.1 origin/3.0.1
    git checkout 3.0.1
      Note: checking out '3.0.1'.
      You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
      changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
      state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
      If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
      do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
        git checkout -b new_branch_name
      HEAD 目前位于 52d0310... [graylog-plugin-aws] prepare release 3.0.1
Cloning into /home/graylog/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-threatintel
    git clone /home/graylog/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-threatintel
      正克隆到 '/home/graylog/graylog-project-repos/graylog-plugin-threatintel'...
Checkout revision: 3.0.1
    git branch 3.0.1 origin/3.0.1
    git checkout 3.0.1
      Note: checking out '3.0.1'.
      You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
      changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
      state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
      If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
      do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
        git checkout -b new_branch_name
      HEAD 目前位于 a384c42... [graylog-plugin-threatintel] prepare release 3.0.1
Generating pom.xml file from template pom.xml.tmpl
Generating runner/pom.xml file from template runner/pom.xml.tmpl
Generating src/main/assembly/server-tarball.xml file from template src/main/assembly/server-tarball.xml.tmpl
Writing manifest state to .graylog-project-manifest-state


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