GRAYLOG NXLOG not receiving logs

1. Describe your incident:
I have set up nxlog to send messages to Graylog, but I am not receiving any messages in Graylog.

2. Describe your environment:

  • OS Information:
    graylog on linux
    nxlog on windows 2019

  • Service logs, configurations, and environment variables:

3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?
Why do I always receive the message “WARNING nxlog-ce received a termination request signal, exiting…” and I don’t receive any message using GELF UDP in Graylog input, unless I use Raw/Plaintext UDP?

Panic Soft
#NoFreeOnExit TRUE
define ROOT     C:\Program Files\nxlog
define CERTDIR  %ROOT%\cert
define CONFDIR  %ROOT%\conf\nxlog.d
define LOGDIR   %ROOT%\data
include %CONFDIR%\*.conf
define LOGFILE  %LOGDIR%\nxlog.log
Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir  %ROOT%\data
Pidfile   %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir  %ROOT%\data
define IISLOG "C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC2\u_ex*.log"

<Extension _gelf>
Module      xm_gelf
<Extension _json>
Module      xm_json
<Extension fileop>
Module      xm_fileop

<Extension w3c>
Module	xm_csv
Fields	$date, $time, $s_ip
FieldTypes	string, string, string
Delimiter 		' '
QuoteChar 		'"'
EscapeControl 	FALSE
UndefValue 		-
<Input iis>
Module   im_file
File     "C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC2\u_ex*.log"
SavePos  TRUE
Exec if $raw_event =~/^#/ drop();\
    $EventTime = parsedate($date + " " + $time);\
$EventTime = parsedate($date + " " + $time + "Z");\
    $SourceName = "IIS";\
$raw_event = to_json();\
  </Input> <Output graylog>
Module om_udp
Port 13221
OutputType GELF Exec        $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
    Exec        $raw_event =$Hostname + ' IIS-NXLOG ' + $raw_event;
    #Use the following line for debugging (uncomment the fileop extension above as well)
# Exec file_write("C:\\Program Files\\nxlog\\data\\nxlog_output.log", $raw_eventt );
<Route iis-to-graylog>
Path		iis => graylog

Hey @neil0314

By using tcpdump do you see any logs arriving to Graylog Server?

Was this working before?
I have something similar.

LogFile /var/log/nxlog/nxlog.log
LogLevel INFO
# Modules                              #
<Extension _syslog>
    Module      xm_syslog
<Extension json>
    Module      xm_json
<Extension _gelf>
    Module      xm_gelf

<Input this_is_not_the_droid_your_looking_for>
      Module im_file
      File "/var/log/test.log"
      SavePos TRUE
      ReadFromLast TRUE
      PollInterval 1           

<Output fileout1>
    Module      om_udp
    Port        12201
    OutputType  GELF
    Exec    $ShortMessage = $raw_event;
    #Exec     to_syslog_snare();

# Routes                               #
<Route 1>
    Path        this_is_not_the_droid_your_looking_for => fileout1

I haven’t used tcpdump before, can I use Wireshark instead? I followed this method and saw the result from Wireshark as shown in the image. It looks like it was sent, right?


Source → to ( AKA Google DNS server).


sudo tcpdump -i eth0 host <some_host_ipaddress>

I guess the first thing would be to identify if logs are even being sent. Looking over your nxlog config file not sure if those settings are correct, by chance did that nxlog configuration work before?

Did you copy and paste my configuration? if so I used a googles DNS server as an example :laughing: You would need to put your Graylog Server address.

After starting nxlog, I entered some test data into test.log. As I am in a Windows environment, I don’t have tcpdump, but I used Wireshark and did not see any messages with or UDP 13333 appear.

<Extension _syslog>
    Module      xm_syslog
<Extension json>
    Module      xm_json
<Extension _gelf>
    Module      xm_gelf

<Input this_is_not_the_droid_your_looking_for>
      Module im_file
      File "C:\\Program Files\\nxlog\\data\\test.log"
      SavePos TRUE
      ReadFromLast TRUE
      PollInterval 1           

<Output fileout1>
    Module      om_udp
    Port        13333
    OutputType  GELF
    Exec    $ShortMessage = $raw_event;
    #Exec     to_syslog_snare();

<Route 1>
    Path        this_is_not_the_droid_your_looking_for => fileout1

Hello @neil0314

Because this section is incorrect

You need this section for windows.

<Input in>
     Module      im_msvistalog

So the completed config should look like this.

<Extension _syslog>
    Module      xm_syslog
<Extension json>
    Module      xm_json
<Extension _gelf>
    Module      xm_gelf

<Input  event_logs>
    Module      im_msvistalog
<Output fileout1>
    Module      om_udp
    Port        13333
    OutputType  GELF
    Exec        $ShortMessage = $raw_event;
    #Exec     to_syslog_snare();

<Route 1>
     Path        event_logs => fileout1

EDIT Make sure you have the correct IP address for your Graylog server, Double check your configurations.

Hello gsmith,

Thank you for your assistance. Following your instructions, I was able to see the data output in Wireshark and also saw the data in the Graylog input.

Can you please explain what happened with the part where I wanted to get the IIS LOG output to Graylog?


Hey @neil0314

Im glad it started working for you.

For IIS logs you will need a couple setttings configured.

<Extension w3c_parser>
    Module      xm_w3c

and either a new input or added input its up to you.

<Input iis_w3c>
    Module      im_file
    File        'C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC*\u_ex*.log'
    InputType   w3c_parser

This is just an example you need to find you own full path for you ISS logs.

IIS can write logs in the W3C format,W3C is the recommended format for use with NXLog.

Here is the documentation for this.

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