1. Describe your incident:
I’m trying to migrate from opensearch 2.15.0 to Graylog-datanode
During migration attempt, Graylog-datanode stuck in provisioning certificate (step 3), it never goes beyond this step.
Noticed, during migration, that it detects https://rpi5:9200 as a transport address.
But this is not the CNAME in my certificate and I guess that this could be the problem ?
2. Describe your environment:
Raspberry PI 5 8GB running RaspiOS 64 bits (based on Debian 12), mongod v6.0.16, opensearch 2.15.0
I have SSL certificate working with Graylog, no problems here, using LE certificate.
Package Version:
Graylog 6.1.0-15 and graylog-datanode 6.1.0-15 -
Service logs, configurations, and environment variables:
In /etc/graylog/datanode/datanode.conf
Configured using same values as Graylog server.conf for: password_secret, root_password_sha2.
Note: Regading opensearch_data_location I set with the same value found in /etc/opensearch.yml, path.data.
3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?
Tried to use a self signed CA during the migration attempt.
Also tried to upload my own bundled CA, upload works but there is no improvement, I get stuck in the same step (Provisioning certificate do data nodes).
Tried to in datanode.conf, to set a hostname matching my CA, but it seems that transport address remains the same in the migration page.
4. How can the community help?
I would like to confirm with the community if someone can point me in the right direction, if there is a configuration error somehow described above and what should be my next steps here.
If you need more details about my setup, just ask, thanks!
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