Graylog 4.2 and Pagerduty


I’m sorry, but I seem to be missing something very basic. I’m trying to make Graylog create incidents in Pagerduty.

Graylog 4.2.11 is running on Debian 10. Package graylog-server was installed from deb repository.

According to the documentation, graylog-labs / graylog-plugin-pagerduty is not required for versions 4.1+. From this page I understand that a list of notification types should include Pagerduty by default. But my Graylog instance provides only two types of notifications (email and HTTP) plus two legacy alarm callbacks (email and HTTP).

That is odd. was the plugin previously installed? If so be sure to remove it… here is what I have with Graylog 4.3.7:


No, the plugin has never been installed there. Could the plugin be in some other deb package? graylog-integrations-plugins, maybe?

Yes. graylog-integrations-plugins did the trick. Sorry for bothering.

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Great! Glad you were able to solve it!

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