Error - the server returned: 404 - cannot POST-only use NAT without proxy

I deploy graylog with juju like fellow:


graylog version is 2.5.1.
ubuntu series is 20.04 lts.

In firewall ,I used NAT with ufw pasted here,without reverse proxy.

In client,I use microsoft Edge with add-on ModHeader config as fellow:

In graylog ,I config it paste here ,key value as fellow,:

web_endpoint_uri=http://external ip:59000/api/

and now ,browser http://external ip:59000

How can I do to resolve it?

Thank you.

Hello and welcome

I found a post simular to yours, maybe this will help solve your issue.

Hope that helps

Thank you @ gsmith.

I read the document ,but the question has not been resolveed .

May I need read more document.

Thank you again.

I resolved it with nat and apache2 reverse proxy .

This document is here.

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