Are you seeing that in graylog’s server.log? Are there any other log entries that may correspond to this?
I found the error in the source here.
This is a “CSV to Fields” converter configured for a specific extractor:
If you can’t find which input the extractor is configured on, you can query mongodb:
Mongo 5 and older:
mongo graylog --eval 'db.getCollection("inputs").find({extractors: {$exists: true}})' --quie
Mongo 6 and later:
mongosh graylog --eval 'db.getCollection("inputs").find({extractors: {$exists: true}})' --quie
This will return all records where an input has an extractor configured:
_id: ObjectId("62557054e3a1b140332e4dd2"),
creator_user_id: 'admin',
configuration: {
name: '<redacted>',
created_at: ISODate("2022-04-12T12:28:04.798Z"),
global: true,
desired_state: 'RUNNING',
type: '<redacted>',
title: '<redacted>',
content_pack: null,
extractors: [
creator_user_id: '<redacted>',
source_field: '<redacted>',
condition_type: 'string',
title: '<redacted>',
type: 'copy_input',
cursor_strategy: 'copy',
target_field: '<redacted>',
extractor_config: {},
condition_value: '<redacted>',
converters: [ { type: 'csv', config: { column_header: '1,2,3' } } ],
id: '59f6b070-7f29-11ee-b413-0242f6f8757b',
order: Long("0")
Once you find the input you can copy the “ObjectId” and use that to navigate to the applicable extractors page for that input:
https://<your graylog>/system/inputs/62557054e3a1b140332e4dd2/extractors
Hope that helps.