- Describe your incident:
Error " could not retrive event definitions " error in alert page . We have created an alert and after that the Email started flowing more which stopped out entire Alert page to be crashed , I was unable to access from UI . So I have removed the event definition I have created in graylog from MongoDB “eventdefinition” and tried made the count of “scheduled_trigger” count to 0 in MongoDB , then I have restarted the Graylog pod I got this error .
The first error before deleting event definition from graylog is 504 internal error , after deleting event definition from mongo I’m getting this error . How to resolve this issue ASAP
2. Describe your environment:
OS Information: windows11 enterprise
Package Version:Graylog 4.3.7 on graylog3.graylog.svc.cluster.local
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