Error activation INPUT

Well Good morning, good afternoon and good night for everybody.
I’m actually trying to launch a small laboratory, to test de log data collection capabillities of graylog.

1. Describe your incident:
When i try to launch a new input it dint work. Its stay in “not running”.

I have the upcoming logs in the server log “/var/log/graylog-server/server.log”

2024-09-24T16:29:54.100+02:00 WARN  [ProxiedResource] Failed to call API on node <43fc93af-eab3-4853-97e9-8a750118f6e1>, cause: timeout (duration: 1001 ms)
2024-09-24T16:29:55.736+02:00 WARN  [ProxiedResource] Failed to call API on node <43fc93af-eab3-4853-97e9-8a750118f6e1>, cause: timeout (duration: 5001 ms)
2024-09-24T16:29:55.797+02:00 WARN  [ProxiedResource] Failed to call API on node <43fc93af-eab3-4853-97e9-8a750118f6e1>, cause: timeout (duration: 5001 ms)
2024-09-24T16:29:56.098+02:00 WARN  [ProxiedResource] Failed to call API on node <43fc93af-eab3-4853-97e9-8a750118f6e1>, cause: timeout (duration: 1001 ms)
2024-09-24T16:29:56.953+02:00 WARN  [ProxiedResource] Failed to call API on node <43fc93af-eab3-4853-97e9-8a750118f6e1>, cause: timeout (duration: 5005 ms)

At “/var/log/elasticsearch/gc.log” doesn’t apper nothing relevant.
And at “/var/log/elasticsearch/graylog.log” doen’t apper nothing relevant to.
To add when i go into the web to “system>nodes” and i click on my node, its show another error:

FetchError: There was an error fetching a resource: Internal Server Error. Additional information: timeout
Check your Graylog logs for more information.

I was thinking that maybe was the connection with the API, but i try the connection via CLI and it reply well.
So i dont understand where is the problem, if anyone can hep.

2. Describe your environment:

  • OS Information:
    Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS condename: jammy
  • Package Version:
    graylog 6.0.6
    elasticsearch 7.17.24
    mongodb 6.0.17

3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?

I review the configurations files of graylog, and elasticsearch, i think i have everything well.
The connection between my pc and the machine its good.

4. How can the community help?

I dont found anything that looks like my problem, there is some similar but its no the same, so i dont wont to make a mess.

I done it.
I’ll explain to the people that don’t know, and just in case i do something wrong.

My problem was that the API didn’t connect well with graylog, so i was reviewing the configurations, one time and another, until i notice that i hadn’t wirte in the “server.conf” a parameter that’s neccesary.
I had the parameters of the web UI and the bin address with the IP of my machine, but i think this is not good, so i changed to the, to make the graylog use all the interfaces and not only the interface with the ip I put.
http_bind_address =
http_bind_address =

I did the same with the parameter:
http_publish_uri =
And to connect to the web i use the IP of the machine, it’s work well.
Finally the parameter that i hadn’t put in the configuration was:
rest_listen_uri =
I wrote it, and the error dissapears, my input work, and i had information of the node. So to sum up, my fail was to not had a the connection with the API configured correctly.
I posted this to help another people if they had the same problem as me.
Thank you for your time and have a great day.

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