Elastic Search upgrade Problem (v2.3 to v5.6)

I’ve been playing around with a virtualized clone of our production Graylog system to test upgrading us from Graylog 2.3 and Elasticsearch 2.3 to Graylog 3.1 with Elasticsearch 5.6+.

I notice when I upgraded ES from 2.3 to 5.6 that it scrambled all my index folders and file names. Previously my indexes were all each in it’s own directory like so:

ls /mnt/store1/elasticsearch/data/graylog/nodes/0/indices/
graylog2_1040 graylog2_1073 graylog2_1106 graylog2_1139 graylog2_1172 graylog2_1205 graylog2_1238 graylog2_1271

After the upgrade they are each in a directories that look like this:

ls /mnt/store1/elasticsearch/data/graylog/nodes/0/indices/
akLcyuXvSNOVFRWbilfppA h0Z7taXWSNydzKl_w0_kDg mFc63z4_ReyQ0ONzuRwimw tCsrTBT_Skq0zAQFd6saqw Zwk9yx0BTMC_cGLp3MpxDw
AnwGoarRR7K2bzA88Gd5ew H7UtruDPRGCQYGAGpFkGwQ MHfyQr-MT72nt-JJrtA3Iw

So instead of the nice friendly “graylog2_1040” I see folders and files coded like “MHfyQr-MT72nt-JJrtA3Iw” which are hard on the eyes. I realize this is more of an ES question then Graylog, but:

How can I prevent ES from doing this again when I do this same upgrade again in production?

that is the new way elasticsearch is writing the data to disk. no way to change that.

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