I need to achieve below and appreciate communities help.
I have messages coming in from firewall in stream assume STREAM-FW and I am only interested when the field has “sourceUserName” else all the messages should be dropped. [I can drop the messages which matches certain but how do I drop everything except…]
This first requirement now on the same front; I have another stream STREAM-DNS where I am parsing those and has field “clientipaddr”. Now, how I need to find out the username associated with clientipaddr which is appearing in STREAM-FW.
So, I made bit progress. I was able to route those messages containg only usernames in different stream i.e. onlyUserNames [which has srcIPaddr field as well]
Now I need to compare srcIPaddr and clientIPaddr from STREAM-DNS and found matched then insert username field in STREAM-DNS
If that is the case, just use the pipeline on the “all messages”-stream.
Take a look at substr() and split() together with compare. Could be helpful.
If you want to sort into a stream after a pipeline worked, just use the pipeline to set a new field (for example “toStreamX = true”) and add a new stream rule.
Good luck and let me know if you got it to work and how