Hello Together,
we have two Graylog servers. One test environment and one production environment.
Now I made an API request on the test environment like this.
There I get as desired a JSON with the appropriate messages back.
As soon as I do this on our production environment with the appropriate adjustment I get the message
must not be empty (path = RelativeSearchResource.searchRelativeChunked.arg6, invalidValue = )
Interestingly, if I build an API call in the API browser of the production environment and call it in the API browser, it works.
If I then paste the generated URL into the browser, the above error message appears.
The graylog version on both hosts is the same Version of Graylog
- Package Version: 5.0.8
There are only the following differences between the two environments in the ENVs
In production the following additional parameters are
The graylog.conf is identical
I checked if the index ids are correct, if the streamids are the right ones. And even if they were wrong, the API request would have to tell me that I am entering a wrong value.
Unfortunately I have no more ideas