Dashboard and Overview pages are empty after the upgrade

Hello guys! i just upgrade graylog to the last version (2.4) but when i open the Dashboard or Overview, it is blank/empty. do you know how to fix that please?

How did you upgrade Graylog?
Have you tried clearing the browser cache?
What’s in the logs of your Graylog node(s)?
What’s in the Developer Console of your web browser?

i upgraded with these commands:
wget https://packages.graylog2.org/releases/graylog-omnibus/ubuntu/graylog_latest.deb
sudo graylog-ctl stop
sudo dpkg -G -i graylog_latest.deb
sudo graylog-ctl backup-etcd
sudo graylog-ctl reconfigure
sudo reboot
My cache is cleared and i tried with many browsers. I think my logs are clean as well
Find attached the log and developer console pictures

Please post the complete log file (and not just a screenshot of the last few lines).
Also remove all third party plugins you might be using (e. g. the aggregates plugin).

@jochen thanks the problem is solved. it was caused by the plugin quick values that i forgot to delete.

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