Create Dashbord for custom logs received

Hi all,
I installed from OVA a GrayLog v3.3.1.
I configured nxlog on windows 10 to send a custom log to GrayLog as GELF_UPD input.
My log file is like this (I see on GrayLog the log in the message section):


Now I created three extractor (Split & index) one for Faxes, one for EmailsToday and one for EmailsLast30Days, but when I create a dashboard with the aggregation, I don’t extract correctly my valued of the three different variables.

How can I do it?
Thanks for the support.

What is your problem? You can’t see extracted fields in list of fields, or can’t use some aggregation function in widget? Maybe fields are strings and not numbers, so you can’t use numeric aggegation functions…

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