if you ingest to GELF, you need to ingest valid GELF messages and the codec will parse the key value pairs out. If that does not happen you need to configure one extractor OR a processing pipeline that parses that.
Is correct my configuration (input as GELF UDP) for my scope?
Or I must configure new/different input in my GrayLog server, to read the JSON custom file?
Your json file doesn’t use correct json syntax:
correct one will be:
“parameter1”: “value”,
“parameter2”: “value”,
“parameter3”: “value2”
If you want to use Gelf, you can need to follow it’s syntax, so you can send every parameter with _ before parameter, ang graylog automatically parsed: { "version": "1.1", "host": "example.org", "short_message": "A short message", "level": 5, "_parameter1": "value", "_parameter2": "value", "_parameter3": "value" }
You have also another option to parse message, if you send correct json, you can use JSON extractor on message field to extract fileds from json