Graylog does not show log received via UDP correctly

Using Graylog 5.0, I am sending the log from an application via UDP and all the logs sent are arriving in graylog, but not all of them are being “interpreted”.
The json I am sending:

"version": "1.1",
"host": "test",
"short_message": "Test 00001",
"level": 1

As shown in graylog:

At first I thought it could be the language, but I tested it with two other languages ​​and the problem continued to occur.
To simulate the error I created a function that opens a udp connection and sends it to graylog and I called this function 5 times in a row.
I need the message to only get the “short_message” and not the entire json.

Is there anything in server.log, the GELF input tends to be pretty noisy in the log when it doesn’t like the format of something.

Nothing related to these logs is appearing in the server.log file.

It’s interesting that the messages with full JSON are showing the URL, while the others are showing the host name. Any idea why that could be?

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