Create dashboard with numeric addtions


I take data from WinlogBeat to create a printer reportng dashboard.
Here are my data :

I want to create an ‘array’ with the total of column ‘nbr_page_doc’ , ordered by column ‘utilisateur’.
Is it possible with graylog directly ?

Thank you !


In the views functionnality of Graylog 3.1.0:
create new (view)
New view -> Create -> Custom aggregation

Here you can create a metrics sum(…) with the field you want (here nbr_page_doc). Put imprimante and user in rows.

This will give you a table with printed pages for each tuple imprimante/row for the time range.

I think you’ve got the solution, thank you ! BUT (yes there is a but :wink: ) I think the views are’nt working :

When I want to open my view, I have this message :

    Cannot read property 'title' of undefined

Stack Trace:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'title' of undefined
    at t._isNewView (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/ExtendedSearchPage.60a2621478c6c8ca385c.js:1:132926)
    at t.render (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/ExtendedSearchPage.60a2621478c6c8ca385c.js:1:133229)
    at ka (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/vendor.91c91d4a31d54d96392a.js:18:63009)
    at Sa (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/vendor.91c91d4a31d54d96392a.js:18:62804)
    at Da (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/vendor.91c91d4a31d54d96392a.js:18:66638)
    at Fo (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/vendor.91c91d4a31d54d96392a.js:18:90682)
    at Vo (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/vendor.91c91d4a31d54d96392a.js:18:91066)
    at Ys (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/vendor.91c91d4a31d54d96392a.js:18:97953)
    at Ss (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/vendor.91c91d4a31d54d96392a.js:18:97333)
    at Ls (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/vendor.91c91d4a31d54d96392a.js:18:96354)
    at Zo (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/vendor.91c91d4a31d54d96392a.js:18:95228)
    at Object.enqueueSetState (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/vendor.91c91d4a31d54d96392a.js:18:44755)
    at t.b.setState (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/vendor.91c91d4a31d54d96392a.js:26:1665)
    at http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/ShowViewPage.60a2621478c6c8ca385c.js:1:2235
    at s (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/app.60a2621478c6c8ca385c.js:102:224951)
    at P._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/app.60a2621478c6c8ca385c.js:102:198233)
    at P._settlePromise (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/app.60a2621478c6c8ca385c.js:102:199033)
    at P._settlePromise0 (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/app.60a2621478c6c8ca385c.js:102:199732)
    at P._settlePromises (http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/app.60a2621478c6c8ca385c.js:102:201059)
    at http://graylog.domoce.local/assets/app.60a2621478c6c8ca385c.js:102:154681

Component Stack:

    in ViewActionsMenu
    in ConnectStoresWrapper[ViewActionsMenu] stores=metadata,view,currentUser
    in span
    in span
    in u
    in w
    in ConnectStoresWrapper[w] stores=queries,queryTitles,viewMetadata
    in withRouter(ConnectStoresWrapper[w] stores=queries,queryTitles,viewMetadata)
    in div
    in t
    in ExtendedSearchPage
    in ConnectStoresWrapper[ExtendedSearchPage] stores=executionState
    in Unknown
    in t
    in ConnectStoresWrapper[t] stores=executionState
    in Unknown
    in n
    in div
    in t
    in div
    in t
    in div
    in t
    in div
    in t
    in t
    in withRouter(t)
    in div
    in App
    in RouterContext
    in Router
    in h
    in t
    in n
    in AppFacade

Must I open a new thread for this problem ?

Thank you !

you might want to add a bug report:

Now It works without errors, strange … I leave it that way.

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