Change the Path.DATA and path.logs of elastic Search


I would like to ask an assistance on how to properly change the store data of Elastic Search and logs. I attached luns on UBUNTU /media/timawa/GrayLogsLUNS/var/lib/elasticsearch
path.logs: /media/timawa/GrayLogsLUNS/var/log/elasticsearch

Folder Permission:
drwxr-xr-x 5 timawa timawa 4096 Nov 8 00:29 GrayLogsLUNS
drwxr-xr-x 4 timawa timawa 4096 Nov 8 00:29 var
drwxr-xr-x 3 timawa timawa 4096 Nov 8 00:29 lib
drwxr-xr-x 3 timawa timawa 4096 Nov 8 00:29 log
ls -la /media/timawa/GrayLogsLUNS/var/lib/elasticsearch
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 timawa timawa 4096 Nov 8 00:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 timawa timawa 4096 Nov 8 00:29 …

I encountered this issue
Could not load Information

When I set the setting of elasticsearch to default it works.

He @orbieabanilla

the Graylog error message is not really helpful to debug your Elasticsearch at all.

I guess it is not running because the user is not elasticsearch what is by default the user elasticsearch runs … check the Elasticsearch logfile, or the system messages (/var/log/messages AFAIK) when elasticsearch is not running (ps -auxf |grep elasticsearch should reveal that)

I’m new to Linux, may you please help me to fix this kind of issue?

Proper steps will be:

  1. Stop graylog service using command: sudo systemctl stop graylog.service
  2. Stop elasticsearch.service using command: sudo systemctl stop elasticsearch.service
  3. Make a backup of your data !!! For example simple copy to another destination with enoght space using command: cp -av /var/lib/elasticsearch /media/backupdisk
  4. Create new directories for elastic in new disk using this commands (you probably did it, if yes, skip this step):
    sudo mkdir -p /media/timawa/GrayLogsLUNS/var/lib/elasticsearch
    sudo mkdir -p /media/timawa/GrayLogsLUNS/var/log/elasticsearch
  5. Setup permissions for these directories using commands:
    sudo chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /media/timawa/GrayLogsLUNS/var/lib/elasticsearch
    sudo chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /media/timawa/GrayLogsLUNS/var/log/elasticsearch
  6. Move elasticsaerch db and logs to new directory (you probably did it, if yes, skip this step):
    sudo mv -v /var/lib/elasticsearch/ /media/timawa/GrayLogsLUNS/var/lib/elasticsearch*
    sudo mv -v /var/log/elasticsearch/ /media/timawa/GrayLogsLUNS/var/log/elasticsearch*
  7. Start elasticsearch.service using command: sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service
  8. Wait few moments to elasticsearch and then start graylog using: sudo systemctl start graylog.service

Done. And learn Linux, it is more important than you probably think.

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You must assure elasticsearch has permissions on this folder.
If it’s running not under timawa user then r-x means it can’t write into it
Usually it’s running under elasticsearch, so maybe you just can change ownership?

chown elasticsearch:elasticsearch  /media/timawa/GrayLogsLUNS/var/lib/elasticsearch
chown elasticsearch:elasticsearch  /media/timawa/GrayLogsLUNS/var/log/elasticsearch

Thanks, I will try this.

Thanks. I will try this.

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