Centralized SysLog Firewall

Hi everyone, i’m new to graylog, just yesterday i deploy it using the docker-compose file in the official docs.

My question is:

  • How can i collect log for multiple in this case openwrt firewall on the same input and separate them by tag or something for each one?

What is the best practies in this scenario?
Thanks :slight_smile:

All messages that are sent to graylog require a hostname in some way. For example, the syslog RFCs require a hostname as part of a valid syslog message. When using GELF, a hostname is required as well.

This allows graylog to sort the messages by original source/hostname. Let me know if this does not make sense or you have further questions.

Hi and thx for answering
Yes i understand more or less, i configure 1 openwrt device and i receive the log, but as i said in the 1st post i have 20-30 device i want to receive syslog and most of the has the same hostname for example “fw01” or “srv01” so is there a way to customize for example for receive the log with “customername-fw01” ?
This is a screenshoot of a receive log message:

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