Access to one source , with user2

Hello ,

i need a solution to monitoring many PBX and other systems
and i want to know if Graylog can do something about right
so i have many users and many systems to administrate.

So i have one user , and i want this user have access to one source ( and he can analyze log from this source )
Can you tell me please if graylog can do this or not ?

Sorry if my english is bad.

He @gcolmant

you could route each system one user should have access to into a stream where only this user has access too.

So, to answer your question - yes it is possible.

Hello , thank you , i’ll install Graylog,
Do you have a documentation how to install with a debian please ?

I would recommend the link in the upper right corner labeled “documentation” …

Thank you for everything , i install graylog actually , i don’t have any problems

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