Hi guys, I am trying to correct timestamp for O365 logs. As per my understanding O365 logs have no timezone info so graylog treating it UTC 0, infact that should be UTC -6. I am trying to get over it by writing current parse time through pipeline below:
rule “correct timestamp for logs from O365”
has_field(field: “timestamp”)
let log_timestamp = $message.timestamp;
let timestamp = $message.timestamp;
let debug_message = concat(
first: "timestamp before changing: ",
second: to_string(timestamp));
let new_date = parse_date( value: to_string(log_timestamp),
pattern: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z");
set_field("timestamp", new_date);
let debug_message = concat(
first: "timestamp after changing: ",
second: to_string(timestamp));
Graylog does the time zone conversion but still that is not good as the difference of 6 hours. I can get debug value for before changing but after is not even showing and is there an efficient way do it. Thanks in advance.
It looks strange to me - when I just expand the logs in stream, all 3 timestamps are the same but when opened in the full log view by clicking log name; One differs.
2020-09-11T09:18:25.152+05:00 INFO [Function] PIPELINE DEBUG: timestamp before changing: 2020-09-11T04:16:51.000+05:00 Still can not see the after change debug message,
This is the timestamp that I see in debug and as per your suggestion, I applied all 4 parameters:
rule “correct timestamp for logs from O365”
has_field(field: “timestamp”)
let log_timestamp = $message.timestamp;
let timestamp = $message.timestamp;
let debug_message = concat(
first: "timestamp before changing: ",
second: to_string(timestamp));
let new_date = parse_date( value: to_string(log_timestamp),
pattern: “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:SSSZ”, locale: “en-US”, timezone:“America/Chicago”);
set_field(“timestamp”, new_date);
let debug_message = concat(
first: "timestamp After changing: ",
second: to_string(timestamp));
2020-09-11T10:42:26.598+05:00 DEBUG [PipelineInterpreter] [92ee2551-f3f1-11ea-9f91-000c29c43263] rule correct timestamp for logs from O365 matched running actions
2020-09-11T10:42:26.598+05:00 INFO [Function] PIPELINE DEBUG: timestamp before changing: 2020-09-11T05:38:29.000+05:00
2020-09-11T10:42:26.599+05:00 DEBUG [PipelineInterpreter] Encountered evaluation error, skipping rest of the rule: In call to function ‘parse_date’ at 12:19 an exception was thrown: Invalid format: “2020-09-11T05:38:29.000+05:00” is malformed at “.000+05:00”
Finally got it working - In my guess the problem was graylog was considering log time UTC 0 and changing it to my required timezone but the actual log time was UTC-5, hence 5 hours difference. have to do following for solving it.
rule “correct timestamp for logs from O365”
has_field(field: “timestamp”)
let log_timestamp = $message.timestamp;
let timestamp = $message.timestamp;
let debug_message = concat(
first: "timestamp before changing: ",
second: to_string(timestamp));
let mid_date = concat(
first: to_string(timestamp),
second: “+00:00”);
let new_date = parse_date( value: to_string(mid_date),
pattern: “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS+SS:SSZ”, locale: “en-US”, timezone:“Asia/Karachi”);
set_field(“timestamp”, new_date);
let debug_message = concat(
first: "timestamp After changing: ",
second: to_string(new_date));