Updating correct timestamp for logs

Hi guys, I am trying to correct timestamp for O365 logs. As per my understanding O365 logs have no timezone info so graylog treating it UTC 0, infact that should be UTC -6. I am trying to get over it by writing current parse time through pipeline below:

rule “correct timestamp for logs from O365”
has_field(field: “timestamp”)
let log_timestamp = $message.timestamp;
let timestamp = $message.timestamp;

let debug_message = concat(
                first: "timestamp before changing: ",
                second: to_string(timestamp));


let new_date = parse_date( value: to_string(log_timestamp),
                       pattern: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z");
set_field("timestamp", new_date);
let debug_message = concat(
                first: "timestamp after changing: ",
                second: to_string(timestamp));



Graylog does the time zone conversion but still that is not good as the difference of 6 hours. I can get debug value for before changing but after is not even showing and is there an efficient way do it. Thanks in advance.

Try to include also your timezone, so graylog can parse date in right way:

    let new_date = parse_date(value: to_string($message.log_timestamp), pattern:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z", timezone:"Europe/Bratislava");
    set_field("timestamp", new_date);

Set timezone parameter to your real timezone.

Also check that yo use correct pattern for date time format.

I am running 3.3.5 version. When I open a full log - I see 1d82cb00-f3e6-11ea-9f91-000c29c43263


2020-09-11 04:19:17.000




It looks strange to me - when I just expand the logs in stream, all 3 timestamps are the same but when opened in the full log view by clicking log name; One differs.

2020-09-11T09:18:25.152+05:00 INFO [Function] PIPELINE DEBUG: timestamp before changing: 2020-09-11T04:16:51.000+05:00 Still can not see the after change debug message,
This is the timestamp that I see in debug and as per your suggestion, I applied all 4 parameters:

rule “correct timestamp for logs from O365”
has_field(field: “timestamp”)
let log_timestamp = $message.timestamp;
let timestamp = $message.timestamp;

let debug_message = concat(
                first: "timestamp before changing: ",
                second: to_string(timestamp));

let new_date = parse_date( value: to_string(log_timestamp),
pattern: “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:SSSZ”, locale: “en-US”, timezone:“America/Chicago”);
set_field(“timestamp”, new_date);
let debug_message = concat(
first: "timestamp After changing: ",
second: to_string(timestamp));


Thank you for your support.

to add - Following are the debug logs:

2020-09-11T10:42:26.598+05:00 DEBUG [PipelineInterpreter] [92ee2551-f3f1-11ea-9f91-000c29c43263] rule correct timestamp for logs from O365 matched running actions
2020-09-11T10:42:26.598+05:00 INFO [Function] PIPELINE DEBUG: timestamp before changing: 2020-09-11T05:38:29.000+05:00
2020-09-11T10:42:26.599+05:00 DEBUG [PipelineInterpreter] Encountered evaluation error, skipping rest of the rule: In call to function ‘parse_date’ at 12:19 an exception was thrown: Invalid format: “2020-09-11T05:38:29.000+05:00” is malformed at “.000+05:00”

let new_date = parse_date( value: to_string(timestamp),
pattern: “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss:sssz”, locale: “en-US”, timezone:“America/Chicago”);
set_field(“timestamp”, new_date);

Any suggestions?

Finally got it working - In my guess the problem was graylog was considering log time UTC 0 and changing it to my required timezone but the actual log time was UTC-5, hence 5 hours difference. have to do following for solving it.

rule “correct timestamp for logs from O365”
has_field(field: “timestamp”)
let log_timestamp = $message.timestamp;
let timestamp = $message.timestamp;

let debug_message = concat(
                first: "timestamp before changing: ",
                second: to_string(timestamp));

let mid_date = concat(
first: to_string(timestamp),
second: “+00:00”);
let new_date = parse_date( value: to_string(mid_date),
pattern: “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS+SS:SSZ”, locale: “en-US”, timezone:“Asia/Karachi”);
set_field(“timestamp”, new_date);
let debug_message = concat(
first: "timestamp After changing: ",
second: to_string(new_date));


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