Unable to View Metrics

1. Describe your incident:
When attempting to view metrics (either node or input), there is an API error in the browser.

  • Could not fetch metrics from node: server returned api with a 500 status code.
  • Could not fetch metrics from node: server returned api with a 500 status code. Graylog
  • Could not fetch metrics from node: server returned api: Temporary failure in name resolution with a 500 status code

If I tail the server log, I see this:

2024-04-04T15:24:50.230Z WARN  [ProxiedResource] Failed to call API on node <0f0b9d45-d097-4d0f-98e6-ee3975ecc06b>, cause: api (duration: 137 ms)
2024-04-04T15:24:50.368Z WARN  [ProxiedResource] Failed to call API on node <0f0b9d45-d097-4d0f-98e6-ee3975ecc06b>, cause: api (duration: 8 ms)
2024-04-04T15:24:51.670Z WARN  [ProxiedResource] Failed to call API on node <0f0b9d45-d097-4d0f-98e6-ee3975ecc06b>, cause: api (duration: 11 ms)

We are not using HTTPS at all.
I have verified the URI settings in the server.conf and the appear to be correct.
http_bind_address =
http_publish_uri = http://$http_bind_address/
http_external_uri = http://$http_bind_address/

2. Describe your environment:

  • OS Information: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

  • Package Version: Graylog 5.1.7 (Open)
    MongoDB 6.0.5
    ES 7.10.2

  • Service logs, configurations, and environment variables:

3. What steps have you already taken to try and solve the problem?
Tried looking at the server.conf to see if I had any incorrect URI values. They appear to be corret.

4. How can the community help?
Help me understand why I can’t access the metrics.

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Hey @jfmeyer00

If you just going with HTTP you can comment these two out and restart Graylog service see if that clears it up.

http_publish_uri = http://$http_bind_address/
http_external_uri = http://$http_bind_address/

Does your ES config match Graylog config?

Elasticsearch YAML file


Graylog Configuration file


That did it. Thank you.

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