1. Describe your incident:
I just created my first Extractors! I did It to get the “log:” value into my message:
This is an example of my messages:
2023-02-23 15:26:16.537+0100 INFO [0] user:giuseppe.rossi, method:lista, package:com.scffund.job.JobController.lista, log:TOKEN-header decoded: {“typ”: “JWT”,“alg”:“RS256”,“kid”:“-KI3Q9nNR7bRofxmxxxxxxxxxxx”}
My Regular expression Extractor stored on a new field called “log”:
(?<= log:)(.*)(?)
The following queries return no results:
I get results only searching by the entire “log” content, i.e.:
I believe it has to do with your regex. The colon needs to be escaped and best to anchor it to the end of the message $ since I am assuming you want the rest of the data… that reduces the search.
Looks like I missed what the issue is. If you want to search for a portion of a field you can do it with regex:
The other option is to break out the log field to its constituent parts, maybe in a pipeline rule… (My preference) and search on the new fields you create.