Unable to Export CSV


I was trying to export CSV after search result however it doent work. I get following error in graylog server logs.

2018-06-08T13:09:22.683Z ERROR [ServerRuntime$Responder] Error occurred when processing a response created from an already mapped exception.
2018-06-08T13:09:23.069Z ERROR [WriterInterceptorExecutor] MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=text/csv, type=class org.graylog2.rest.resources.search.responses.AutoValue_SearchError, genericType=class org.graylog2.rest.resources.search.responses.AutoValue_SearchError.
2018-06-08T13:09:23.069Z ERROR [ServerRuntime$Responder] Error occurred when processing a response created from an already mapped exception.

and get fallowing error on browser

This site can’t be reached
The web page at http://970b1f3c-3f87-426c-934f-f26d59fea656:session@example.co/api/search/universal/absolute/export?query=file%3A%20"%2Fwebapps%2Fcentral%2Flogs%2Fnginx_access.log"%20%26%26%20name%3A%20api%2A.prd.sg1.chash.co%20%26%26%20request_method%3A%20POST%20%26%26%20request_path%3A%20%5C%2Frpc%5C%2F%2A&from=2018-05-01T13%3A00%3A00.000Z&to=2018-05-31T11%3A59%3A59.000Z&fields=source%2Cmessage%2Crequest_method%2Crequest_path%2Ctime might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

I am using gray log version Graylog 2.4.4+4659dbe

Any help would be appreciated.



That’s a bug in Graylog. The error message shouldn’t be swallowed.


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