Unable to Creating Grok Extractor


I have been trying for a while now to setup a grok extractor on one of my inputs. However I cant get the grok extractor to save. Any help with what I’m doing wrong would be appreciated.

This is the grok pattern I’ve added:

This is the error that I’m getting when I click create extractor:

Does graylog have to be able to parse the full field before it will save. I’m tried %{GREEDYDATA} grok pattern and that didn’t work for me either.

hej @BruiserT

you just cut off the message that might help with that. In addition did you check the Graylog server.log about the message?

Did you try the Try button?

Yes I’ve tried both try and create. I get a 400 error when I do try and a 500 when try to create the extractor

Here’s more of the details that are missing.

Try error messages:

Browser message:
We were not able to run the grok extraction. Please check your parameters.
Details: Error: cannot POST https://graylog.test.com/api/tools/grok_tester (500)

Graylog server error:
2017-12-14T09:41:36.066Z ERROR [AnyExceptionClassMapper] Unhandled exception in REST resource
oi.thekraken.grok.api.exception.GrokException: Deep recursion pattern compilation of %{IPORHOST}

Create Error messages:

Browser message:
Could not create extractor
Creating extractor failed: Error: cannot POST https://graylog.test.com/api/system/inputs/5a2c77ff60ddd007ab45f265/extractors (400)

Graylog server error:
2017-12-14T09:47:55.601Z ERROR [ExtractorsResource] Cannot create extractor. Missing configuration.
org.graylog2.ConfigurationException: Unable to parse grok patterns

Figured this out , you have to use a regex in the grok pattern you add to graylog as graylog does not come with a perdefined list like the online grok tester.

Thank You for the quick reply.

depending on the way of your installation, Graylog has Grok Patterns delivered on installation.

In addition they can be added in System > Grok Patterns as complete file or as single pattern.

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