Test Against Stream ALL GREEN but message not routed in stream

Dear all,
i’ve two stream:

the fist one called ZZZ_MyFirewall where i collect log with this streamrule

Field firewallname must be present

seconda callet to_check with this streamrule

Field action must match exactly Allow
Field PkSource_geolocation must be present

now i got this message

source		firewallname	PkDestination_geolocation	PkSource_geolocation	myfirewall		95.4667,8.6333				91.8919,12.5113

if i click on it graylog say that this message will be router to ZZZ_MyFirewall
but if i test if on streamrule the test stream is ok (all rule match)

so how i can create a more specific stream rule to fist match this kind of message and a second “catch all for this source” stream?

Are all the message fields available in the message when it’s received by Graylog or are you creating the fields in an extractor or in a pipeline rule?

You can use the processing pipelines to route messages into streams with the route_to_stream() function.

fields are created by extractor rules

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