Stopped collecting data from windows

initially set everything up and everything worked like a clock! but suddenly everything suddenly stopped accepting logs from Windows and everything falls out into an error like this ({“type”:“mapper_parsing_exception”,“reason”:“failed to parse field [winlogbeat_collector_node_id] of type [float] in document with id ‘94b7fbe1-dc63-11ea-b47e-000c2906a7fb’”,“caused_by”:{“type”:“number_format_exception”,“reason”:“For input string: “тут все наши подключения””}}) help solve my problem - thank you in advance!

Did you change any settings in the SideCar configuration for the Winlogbeats?

I haven’t changed any settings, everything just stopped working in one day on all devices. I see that the devices are connected in the admin panel, the Greek, but the logs are not collected and I don’t know what to do, a huge request for help if you can

today I reinstalled it completely on one device - nothing has changed, all logs fall into an error and are not accepted.

In ES field ‘winlogbeat_collector_node_id’ is mapped as float type. It seems data coming in that field are not float type (only guess, I am not ES or Graylog expert). Perhaps try to change node_id in winlogbeat configuration (or where it comes from) to ASCII string?

all day today I look - it is not clear what happened. where I can’t change my mind - everything worked up to this point, I already overloaded the server, nothing has changed how to fix everything? and most importantly, what caused the malfunction?

nothing helped, it still does not work - all logs fall into /system/indices/failures

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