@mr_m_cox did you follow this guide? what is your setting for rest_listen_uri and web_listen_uri is your browser able to reach the configuration for both?
If I browse to the rest uri get…
{“cluster_id”:“cd714371-c4fe-45d7-9eb1-2d0b75389aec”,“node_id”:“aff96a53-22dc-4b86-9c31-cd9adb49c34b”,“version”:“2.2.2+691b4b7”,“tagline”:“Manage your logs in the dark and have lasers going and make it look like you’re from space!”}
the web uri I get the web interface login page
I have noticed that on the on the search page I also get
Error Message:
blocked by: [SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE/1/state not recovered / initialized];: cannot GET http://ipaddress:9000/api/search/universal/relative?query=%2A&range=300&limit=150&sort=timestamp%3Adesc (500)
Search status code:
The system/indices page displays the following error -
Could not retrieve index sets.
Fetching index sets list failed: blocked by: [SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE/1/state not recovered / initialized];
Ubuntu is showing the elasticsearch and graylog services as running bu clearly it cant connect.
I have set the cluster.name in elasticsearch.yml as graylog
The server.conf in /etc/graylog/server has…
elasticsearch_cluster_name = graylog
elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_unicast_hosts = ipaddress